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Physician Assistant

A smiling physician assistant consults with a patient.
January 24, 2024
Today’s physician assistants are generally happy in their jobs. Learn how you can join a growing field with high satisfaction rates with a PA Studies master’s degree from Pitt.
A physician assistant examines X-rays of a patient's skull and neck.
January 22, 2024
The NCCPA collects demographic information on physician assistants' age, education, background, and location. This article summarizes the data.
A physician assistant uses a stethoscope to check a baby's breathing.
January 18, 2024
The number of physician assistants in the United States is growing, as is demand for their services. Will supply outstrip demand? This article explains why that's unlikely.
A physician assistant consults with a patient; both are smiling.
January 4, 2024
Physician assistants typically earn six-figure incomes, though this varies by location, specialization, and experience level.
A hospital physician assistant at a patient's bedside enters notes into a laptop.
January 2, 2024
Aspiring physician assistants must pass the PANCE, a 300-question, multiple-choice comprehensive exam, to earn certification and be eligible for state licensure. Learn what to expect.
A physician assistant and a surgeon performing a standard medical procedure in an operating room
November 13, 2023
Physician assistants (PAs) provide direct care to patients in all types of medical settings. You provide direct patient care and handle many of the same duties as a licensed doctor. For instance, a primary care PA examines patients and makes diagnoses. You also order lab tests and prescribe medication.  However, often you’ll work under the […]
A medical professional consults a tablet.
October 20, 2023
From undergraduate study to patient care experience to completing a PA program and passing the PANCE, we cover all the steps to becoming a physician assistant.
A female physician assistant consults with a patient by phone.
October 18, 2023
These tips can help you put your best foot forward on your physician assistant studies program application.
A physician assistant and a doctor discussing notes on a chart.
October 4, 2023
From ancient spiritual traditions to modern medical research, there is substantial proof that happiness and fulfillment can come from helping others. But with working 40 hours or more each week in a full-time job, you may be wondering how to find the time and energy outside of work to help others when you are trying […]
A Doctor and Young Patient | Different Types of Physician Assistants
August 12, 2023
Physician assistants (PAs) are licensed clinicians authorized to practice medicine under the supervision of doctors. As a PA, you can examine patients, order lab tests and make diagnoses. You are also able to prescribe medication and create treatment plans, and do not have to have these treatment plans approved by a doctor. The level of […]