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Physician Assistant

A close up of a physician assistant taking a patient’s blood pressure reading.
July 27, 2023
Physician assistants (PAs) are health care professionals who care for patients under the leadership of a licensed physician. They can provide a wide range of medical services, focusing on preventative care, patient education and clinical training. PA education, in general, aims to prepare newly graduated PAs to work in any field, but specifically focuses on […]
Students with computers sit in a classroom lecture
July 3, 2023
Future-proofing is the attempt to safeguard current practices or products against becoming obsolete in the future. When thinking about your education, you must think ahead. The job market can change significantly over time. With the rapidity of tech advancements, this change can happen before you’re even finished securing your degree.  Luckily, you can future-proof your […]
A physician assistant in a white lab coat speaks to two patients via video chat.
May 8, 2023
Physician assistant and physician associate programs may seem pricey, but financial aid options such as loan repayment programs and scholarships can offset costs.
A health care professional puts on white nitrile gloves while wearing scrubs, a hairnet, and a face shield
September 28, 2022
While respectable physician assistant education programs may be costly, demand for certified PAs is high, and the competitive compensation enables graduates to pay back loans in a reasonable period of time.
A medical professional holds a stethoscope to a young child's chest who is sitting on a woman's lap.
June 1, 2022
The question 'Should I be a physician assistant or nurse practitioner?' is a challenging one to answer. The only way to determine which career will be the best fit is to research both.
A medical professional ties on their surgical cap while wearing a blue face mask and scrubs.
May 26, 2022
Determining how long it will take you to become a PA involves more than looking at the length of physician assistant master's programs. Step one is learning about the PA program prerequisites and course structure, as well as how to get licensed.
Students sit in a lecture hall while a professor lectures.
May 24, 2022
The path to becoming a PA is relatively straightforward but also intense. Before you embark on this academic journey, be sure you understand what you'll learn in a traditional or hybrid PA program.
A group of medical professionals stand in a circle wearing green scrubs and face masks.
April 12, 2022
Unlike many patient care providers, PAs work in all settings and specialties and can transition easily from one medical specialty to another. Here's why.
A female medical professional wearing a white lab coat has a conversation with a woman wearing a striped shirt.
March 22, 2022
Becoming a PA, or physician assistant, involves more than just earning a master's degree. Here are five steps every aspiring PA must complete.
A male medical professional smiles while wearing blue scrubs and a face mask dangling off his ear.
March 21, 2022
The physician assistant career path is long and lucrative for those who become credentialed after completing the appropriate program, such as the University of Pittsburgh’s PAS Hybrid Program.